Final Idea - Celebrating 10 Years of MiH Jeans

After much thought into my project, I eventually managed to get my proposal drafted and feedback was positive.

The Idea
I have chosen MiH Jeans as the brand I will be basing my project around, and I will be celebrating their 10th birthday since their re-brand in 2005 through the re-launch of the increasingly popular boyfriend 'Phoebe' jeans.

I will also be increasing awareness of the brand's existing ethical policy, highlighting the fact that MiH Jeans are a socially responsible company who care about Fair Trade and putting money into small communities through their ethical policy.

I will be creating a Lookbook for the brand's Instagram account which will give customers the opportunity to engage with the brand in real time and give feedback on the featured products and styling etc...

Additionally, I want to be encouraging people to upload 'selfies' to show how they style their own boyfriend jeans with the incentive to win a pair of 'Phoebe' MiH Jeans. They will only enter the competition if correctly hash-tagging their image #MiHboyf

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